Designer Profile: Linda Lundstrom

Creativ Festival

Linda Lundstrom

Linda Lundstrom is an award-winning Canadian Fashion Designer and icon whose career began at age 3 when she played with her mother’s Singer Featherweight sewing machine. Linda’s passion for sewing lead to a career as a fashion designer with retailers throughout North America carrying her products. More than 3 decades later after building a state-of-the-art design/lean manufacturing facility, Linda has maintained her love of sewing.

Today through Linda Lundstrom Works, she advises clients in the Apparel Industry and conducts various workshops on location or at her studio in the Caledon Hills.

‘L’ designed by Linda Lundstrom, is a collection of leather and fur accessories, all made in her studio… and the Singer sewing machine she learned on is still with her.

Represented by the National Speakers Bureau, Lundstrom is a professional public speaker inspiring audiences with her unique interactive story telling style.

Stay tuned for details on Linda’s fall 2013 classes tomorrow…

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