Introducing the ESP Embroidery Machines. “Advanced embroidery technology for the next generation.”
Twiga Industries flagship embroidery machine, the ESP9100 NET has many versatile features and options to allow you to meet your customer’s demands. If you’ve been thinking about expanding your business, starting a new business line or expanding your current production capabilities, the ESP9100 NET is available to make it happen! Contact Twiga Industries for more information on the ESP9100 NET today!
Below is a video from October 2011’s Creativ Festival. It quickly demonstrates the computer software and stitching of the ESP Embroidery Machine. This video goes beyond showing you the operation of how it works but, more importantly, is demonstrating the joint cooperation between Twiga Industries and the students design challenge, Project Creativ Catwalk, at Creativ Festival. The design challenge by students requires them to use products and services found only on the show floor. This video shows how Twiga Industries created the embroidery piece that the students required for their final runway creation. Sit back, relax and enjoy the short video.