Fall 2012 Conference Classes with Lucy Garvin

Lucy Garvin is a Threaducator for WonderFil Specialty Threads. A self-taught artist and technique junkie, Lucy’s curiosity and passion for sewing, embellishing and anything fabric or fibre related has led her to explore almost every technique done with a threaded needle, both by hand and by machine. She’s won awards for her original cloth dolls and her hand embroidery. Her work has appeared in many magazines including A Needle Pulling Thread. These days, Lucy concentrates on machine embellishment techniques and shares her passion for thread through her teaching. Sponsor’s website: www.wonderfil.net


Fun & Funky Mini Jackets, Lucy Garvin

Fun & Funky Mini Jackets, Lucy Garvin

Fun & Funky Mini Jackets (25) Intermediate
At 8″ high, this decorative mini jacket is the perfect canvas for experimenting with fabric and thread. You begin by piecing the jacket fabric. Then learn how to use decorative stitches and quilting to embellish the fabric and make it unique. Simple construction and no fitting worries make these mini jackets a snap to finish. Kit $10
3 Hour Workshop


Hand Appliqué 3 Ways, Lucy Garvin

Hand Appliqué 3 Ways, Lucy Garvin

Hand Appliqué 3 Ways (25) Beginner to Intermediate
In this sample making class, you’ll explore three different hand-stitching methods for applying an appliqué. You will try needle turn appliqué using InvisaFil, running stitch with Razzle and blanket stitch with Spaghetti. 3 techniques for appliqué with 3 threads for 3 distinct looks! Kit $5
1.5 Hour workshop


Couching Basics & Beyond, Lucy Garvin

Couching Basics & Beyond, Lucy Garvin

Couching Basics & Beyond (25) All Levels
Couching with Dazzle and Sizzle is an easy way to finish the edge on an appliqué, create patterns or add dimension to quilts. You’ll create samples for future reference while learning how to couch single and multiple strands, outline, fill and learn how stitch selection and the choice of a top thread affects the look of the finished piece. Kit $5
3 Hour Workshop



Class registration will begin later this month. Watch for updates on our blog for when brochure details become available and registration begins. www.creativfestival.ca


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